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Un-Heat Ruby 0.285ct / Burma / Princess Cut

Un-Heat Ruby 0.285ct / Burma / Princess Cut

Regular price ¥58,500
Regular price Sale price ¥58,500
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Unheated ruby ​​0.285ct



Princess Cut

Piacchan's work

Sorting (simple identification) included

The unheated ruby ​​rough from Burma was procured in Sri Lanka, where it was preformed, and finally finished by GTJ main cutter Piachyan in Bangkok.

This rare, unheated ruby ​​from Burma has been given a luxuriously sharp, lean princess cut in a style typical of GTJ. The color is a lovely, silky pink with good color retention, and you can enjoy the lustrous sparkle of the silk inclusions.

Please enjoy the beauty and cuteness of the silky pink of unheated Burmese rubies in your hands.

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