Burmese unheated sapphire 1.805ct★ A beautiful gem with silk and colored bands and flowing silky blue
Burmese unheated sapphire 1.805ct★ A beautiful gem with silk and colored bands and flowing silky blue
Unheated sapphire 1.805ct
Fancy Oval
Piacchan's work
Sorting (simple identification) included
Sapphires from Burma (Myanmar) are said to be the second most highly valued sapphire source after the Kashmir region along the border between India and Pakistan. Burma is famous for its rubies, but there are also mines that produce less sapphire than rubies, making Burmese sapphires a rare find.
It has a velvety feel like that of Kashmir, which is geographically close, and a slightly greenish blue like that of Kanchanaburi, neighboring Thailand.
The deep, moderately intense blue base color has sparkling silk inclusions and color bands that look like rain or a meteor shower falling in the center, along with a bright, silky blue luster.
Depending on the facets and angles, silk inclusions appear all over the surface, making it look like woven silk fabric, just as its name suggests, and it is very beautiful.
Finished as a fancy oval with outlined edges and neat step cuts, the rare crystals are carefully crafted.
We hope you enjoy the interesting and beautiful Burmese sapphires in your hands.